Saturday 3rd August 2024
Held at Theale Farm, Slinfold by kind invitation of Mr & Mrs David Marshall

Pictured: Award Winners and Judges
Judges: Louie Robertson, Sue Jordan, Hilly Hoar, Angie Townsend and Keith Townsend.
Winner of the Arun and Downland Challenge Cup: Mitforton Tuscany - handled by Robert Smallman.
2nd Rockhollow Dahlia Of Woodlandway - handled by Beth Morgan
3rd Troddenmills If Only - handled by Robert Small
4th Troddenmills Filthy Blonde - handled by Elizabeth Bridger.
Com Easthoath Benedict - handled by Marianne Copp
Winner of the Pam Cannings Trophy for the best golden retriever:
Towton Bar Girl handled by Andy Hale
A massive thank you to all the helpers, a fantastic group who got stuck in and truly made a great day.
We couldn't do it without you!

Saturday 15th June 2024
Held at Five Oaks Farm by kind invitation of Mr Neil Morris

Pictured: Award Winners and Judges
Judges: Sam Kirkham, Helen Burnie, Carly Madgwick, Pauline Tiplady and Chris Marshall
Novice Dog, Novice Handler
1st: Thealefarm Moonshine and Jane Dunningham
2nd: Fury’s Way and Lizzie Byne
3rd: Pelyma White Clover and Bethany Griffiths
4th: Jazzanraga Countryman and Katie Aldred
CoM: Josander Rocketman and Sas Drury
1st: Thutamba Grevillea at Pelyma and Lynn Griffiths
2nd: Flaxenfox Aslan and Sue Ellis
3rd: Braltontwist Lou Lou and Chrissie Walton
4th: Colquite Mary Poppins of Blackenvoy and Sarah Cox
CoM: Dukesholt Atlas of Roosthole and Dave Bevan
1st: Polihale Bucks Fizz at Baveybuilt and Jean Baveystock
2nd: Famfish Calais and Colin Coley
3rd: Turnerbrook Princess and Sophie Mills
4th: Lavanthill Belle Alsaro and Vince Mahon
Intercounties Retriever Team Challenge

Held at The Springhead Estate and Parham Park with grateful thanks to
The Haywood Family and the Parham Park Estate Trust
on Saturday 20th April
Judges: Mrs Diana Stevens, Mr John Keegan, Mr Colin Pelham and Mr Reuben Mort.
1st Placed Team - presented with The Kelly Memorial Shield: Dukeries (Notts) Gundog Club
Minstead Reacher & Victoria Stanley - also winning the youngest dog in the awards .
Tarnedge Jania & Claire Carvis - also winning the Gold Cup for the top scoring dog .
Salmasky Ebor of Brackenfarg & Margaret Pearce.
2nd Placed Team: Kennet Valley Gundog Training Society
Garrethall Toddy & Aaron Wright; Caitlin Primrose & Rob Smallman; Willowrise Lilly & Paul Wheeler
3rd Place Team: UGS Kent & East Sussex
Nevilldown Jellybean & Sarah Nickels-Hawkins; Roundcopse Flora & James Brindley; Tulleysedge Lone Star & Jon Debnam
4th Place Team: South Eastern Gundog Society
Rawcroft Rummage of Mitforton & Louie Robertson; Bellspaddle Mungo & Sharon Dingle; Mitforton Muir & Henny Brown
We are very grateful to our sponsors for their support:
NFU Mutual, Bartholomews, Sporting Saint, Skinners Field & Trial, Gamekeepers Goods, Muntjac Trading, Rakers Gun Shop
and Roebuck Estates who kindly gifted English Sparkling wine for the winning team and top dog.
Photographs by Hilly Hoar. Please visit to view all her images
and click HERE to see Rosemary Sadler's Photo Gallery

Sunday 17th March 2024
Held at the Arundel Estate by kind permission of His Grace The Duke of Norfolk and Head Keeper Charlie Melling

Pictured Left to Right: Briony Hamilton, Chris Richardson, Jane Carnaghan, Carly Madgwick, Sarah Haskoll,
Olu Jenzen, Mary Hogg, Peter Aston, John Scott, Diana Harrison, Ken Green & Henny Brown
Judges: Diana Harrison, Ken Green, Carly Madgwick, Chris Richardson and John Scott
Winner of the Elsie Shrub Trophy: Laurence Calypso Spark handled by Peter Aston
2nd: Mitforton Muir handled by Henny Brown
3rd: Jinkster Goldencrest handled by Mary Hogg
Certificates of Merit: Brisingamen Pyethorne Wood handled by Olu Jenzen;
Folkington Flyte handled by Sarah Haskoll and
Geordieland Yarrow Marcher handled by Jane Carnaghan
Winner of the Langshott Cup: Mountain Mystique handled by Terry Souter (pictured below)
2nd: Lonningend Lady Flora handled by Briony Hamilton

Sunday 1st October 2023
Held at Cocking, West Sussex by kind permission of Viscount Cowdray and Keeper, Robin Ward-Sale.
Judges: Gordon Bowers and Sean Connor
Novice Results:
1st and Winner of the Bitterroot Trophy - June Jurmann with Bitterroot Oakley
2nd - Matilda Leeves with Bushy Oak Blaze
3rd - Emma Spillaine with Woodabudge Victor
4th - Heather Hall with Littorina Lenny
CoMs - Ella Wilkes with Magpielanes Cupid; Jane Bennison with Aboleda Wizz; Michael Kennard with Chingley Mist; Helen Smith with Honey Puddle Knightingale; Jon Luke with Bitterroot Jaxon
Open Results:
1st and Winner of the Valmorah Trophy - Joseph Hooper with Shiveck Melchior of Stillcuran
2nd - Wendy Brown with Lovervale Caribbean Queen
3rd - Jane Bennison with Arboleda Fizz Wizz
4th - Julie Curling with Rookhurst Thorn of Curlianne
CoMs to: Samual Hockaday with Dakota That's Lush That Is
Judith Turner Trophy for the Highest Scoring Trainee:
Jane Bennison with Arboldea Fizz Wizz

Saturday 5th August
Held at Five Oaks Farm, Billingshurst by kind permission of Neil & Penny Morris

Judges: Roger Wade, Di Stevens, Paula Graystone, Alistair House and Kate Bollen .
Winner of The Open Cup - Vince Mahon & Lavanthill Belle Alsaro
2nd and recipient of The Pam Cannings Trophy for the best Golden Retriever -
Sue Jordan & Tulleysedge Incas Gold
3rd - Bryony Hamilton & Welige Lady Sybil of Wight
4th - John Scott & Abbotsann Firefly
CoMs - Michael Crutchley & Mitforton Neon and Robert Small & Troddenmills If Only
Saturday 17th June 2023
Held at Five Oaks Farm by kind permission of Neil & Penny Morris
Judges: Beth Morgan, Sue Jordan, Julia Smith & Sarah Winter

Veteran Winners:
Winner of The Kirbyhall Wagtail Trophy: Sophie Mills with Turnerbrook Princess
Second: Mike Crutchley with Mitforton Neon
CoMs: Ian Hamilton with Willowyck Brigadier of Longcopse
and Vince Mahon with Tanglefield Olivia

Intermediate Winners:
Winner of The Intermediate Challenge Shield: Jon Debnam with Tulleysedge Lone Star
Second: Kathy Hill with Flaxenfox Chephira
Third: Reuben Corbett with Endohunter Pilckem Ridge of Sussex Sharp
CoMs: Liz Bridger with Troddenmills Filthy Blonde and
Sue Convery & Highholts Kit Kat

Novice Dog Novice Handler Winners:
Winner of The Endacott Trophy: Sarah Haskoll with Folkington Flyte
Second: Robert Lovegrove with Elmertown Holly
Third: John Bryce-Malcolmson with Dulcett Dora
Fourth: Kayleigh Squires with Blixemby Skylight Phoenix of Ember
CoMs: Bonnie Drysdale with Red Hot Wasabi and
Lee Dunn with Bradley Green Eclipse Sue
Sunday 14th May 2023
Held at the Drovers Shoot by kind permission of the Hon. Peter Benson

Pairs Judges: Chris North & Joy Venturi Rose
Winners of the Pairs Shield:
Wendy Bardsley - Laborie Kwaduma (Lab Dog)
(Winner of the Top Retriever Shield)
Jason Bardsley - Woodingtons Neymar (ESS Dog)
(Winner of the Top Spaniel Shield)
2nd place: Peter Aston - Laurinco Calypso Spark (Lab Bitch)
Matilda Leeves - Bushyoak Blaze (WCS Dog)
3rd place: Chrissie Walton - Braltontwist Lou Lou (Lab Bitch)
Wendy Brown - Lovervale Carabbean Queen (WCS Bitch)
CoM: Louise Harber - Jumbi Parker (Lab Dog)
Jo Hewison - Casblaidd Firedust (WCS Bitch)

Brace Judges: Hilly Hoar & Samantha Kirkham
Winner: Linda Peake with Blackbird Charlie & Packmores Tay (Lab Dogs)
2nd Place: John Baker with Buccleuch Yvette of Jathmea & Jumbi AliceEmma of Jathmea (Lab Bitches)
3rd Place: Mell Brooks with Anningtonbay Enchilada (Lab Dog) & Anningtonbay Ellielicious (Lab Bitch)
Sunday 2nd April 2023
Held at Cocking, West Sussex by kind permission of Viscount Cowdray and Keeper, Robin Ward-Sale.
Judges: John Crawford and Hester Kemp.
Novice Results:
1st and Winner of the Levins View Trophy - Becky Brunton with Murrayeden Hettie
2nd - Jane Bennison with Arboleda Fizz Wizz
3rd - Becky Brunton with Kentwone Frosslass
4th - Jemma Cottle with Popella Sponge
CoM - D Fowler with Kentwone Mare Arion
Open Results:
1st and Winner of the Southdowns Trophy - Fliss Winters with Valmorah Peaky Blinder
2nd - Joseph Hooper with Shiveck Melchior of Stillcuran
3rd - S Atkins with Willowbriar Winnie
4th - D Fowler with Byrtwill Volt
CoMs to: Helen Lindsay with Tarnvrag Smartie & D Fowler with Byrtwill Juno

Sunday 19th March 2023

At the Norfolk Estate, Arundel by kind permission of His Grace The Duke of Norfolk.
Judges: Barry Taylor, Liz Taylor, David Breach, Marianne Copp and Angie Townsend.
Novice Results:
1st - Kathy Hill with Flaxenfox Chepira
2nd - Denise Baker with Cooperbirch Tyrconnell Of Jathmea
3rd - Helen Livett with Roundcopse Fern at Bournehurst
4th - Sophie Adshead with Birdsholding Inkerman
CoM - Kieran Green with Troddenmills Hot Bloodied
Puppy Results:
1st - Sarah Nickels-Hawkins with Wauniago Geoff Wheel
2nd - Chrissie Walton with Braltontwist Pumpkin
3rd - Lee Dunn with Esme Echo
Photograph courtesy of Hilly Hoar
Open Working Test
Sunday 31st July 2022
At Foxbridge Golf Club by kind permission of Mr Karl Middleton.
Judges - Dave England, Kim Jinks, Sue Jordan and Sharon Dingle.
1st - Mitforton Orchid At Kirbyhall and Hilly Hoar
2nd - Mitforton Quarrel Of Cadenzahill and Carly Madgwick
3rd - Castlemans Cook and Susan Hedge
4th - Willowyck Brigadier Of Longcopse and Ian Hamilton
COM - Abney Affinity and Beth Rayner
Click HERE for Rosemary Sadler's Photographs of the day

Intermediate, Veteran & Novice Dog Novice Handler Working Tests
Saturday 18th June 2022
At Five Oaks Farm, Five Oaks by kind permission of Neil Morris
Judges: Sue Bearman, Mell Brooks, Ken Green, Hilly Hoar and Jane Trowell.
Winner: Troddenmills Incognito - Natalie Roy
2nd: Think Twice One Shot - Fay Drewry
3rd: Lovatnoir Raven - Jacqueline Mason
4th: Troddenmills Filthy Blonde - Liz Bridger
CoM: Reptonshot Mitre - Sue Hedge
Winner: Tanglefield Olivia - Vince Mahon
2nd: Highroost Maverick - Mick Higgs
3rd: Bedgebrook Usha - Dee Betts
Novice Dog Novice Handler
Winner: Flaxenfox Chepira - Kathy Hill
2nd: Blithbury’s Oberon - Richard Elliott
3rd: Bradley Green Eclipse Sue - Lee Dunn
4th: Westerkames Buzz - Peter Owen
Sunday 20th March 2022
At the Norfolk Estate, Arundel by kind permission of His Grace The Duke of Norfolk.
Judges: James Bailey, Lindsey Warren, Bill Gardiner, James Brindley and Louie Robertson.
Novice Results:
1st - Mell Brooks with Anningtonbay Enchilada
2nd - Hilly Hoar with Kirbyhall Beatrice 3rd - Ian Hamilton with Willowwyck Brigadier of Longcopse
4th - Robert Smallman with Mitforton Tuscany
COMs - Jos Evans with Meridenred Devils Desire; Chris Gore with Sorrelcott Nebraska of Brynambor ;
Fay Drewry with Isleofman Gretel
Puppy Results:
1st - Wendy Bardsley with Laborie Kwaduma
2nd - Simon Dawson with Berryshot Scooter 3rd - Edd Lexington with Berryshot Shuri

Saturday 12th March 2022
At The Drovers Shoot, Singleton
By kind permission of the Hon. Peter Benson and Matt Whindle (Headkeeper).
Brace Judges - Chris Rose & Joy Venturi - Rose
Winner of The Presidents Cup:
Hilly Hoar with Mitforton Orchid at Kirbyhall (LAB) & Kirbyhall Beatrice (LAB)
2nd : Diana Stevens with Isleofman Gorse of Wylanbriar (LAB) & Drumgoose Fabragas of Aithness (LAB) 3rd : Sue Jordan with Tullysedge My Belle Nell (GR ) & Tullysedge Incas Gold (GR)

Saturday 12th March 2022
At The Drovers Shoot, Singleton
By kind permission of the Hon. Peter Benson and Matt Whindle (Headkeeper).
Pairs Judges: Chris North & Felicity Winters
Results: Winners of The Novice Pairs Shield:
Jon Luke with Shiveck Demi (ESS) & Rachel Stanley with Gilvordemm Morgan Forever (LAB)
2nd: Chris Gore with Nederscot Sport of Flintwood (ESS) & Jennie Knight with Holmside Goose at Sunshimmer (LAB) 3rd : June Jurmann with Kaliskaquartz Kiss (ESS) & Jan McIlwraith with Tullysedge Elsa Gold (GR)
Best retriever: Rachel Stanley with Gilvordemm Morgan Forever
Best Spaniel: Jon Luke with Shiveck Demi

Saturday 5th February 2022
at Five Oaks Farm by kind permission of Mr Neil Morris
Judges - Carly Madgwick, Lindsey Warren & Charlotte Wilkinson
Winner of the Di Paterson Trigger Trophy -
Edith Kreutner with her Golden Retriver, Auchencloch Fable
Making her trip all the way from Austria worth the journey!
2nd: Tom Brown and Parkfield Red Willow
3rd: Kathryn Robey and Mynydddu Heather
4th: Caroline Whittet and Kirbyhall Ophelia at Bridgeknowle
COMs to: Fay Drewry and Isleofman Gretel; Linda Newnes and Masyaf Miss Sandrine
Judges' Choice: Lynn Griffiths and Thutamba Grevillea at Pelyma

Saturday 31st July 2021
at Bury St Austens by kind permission of Mr Carl Wheeler
Judges - Barry Taylor, Liz Taylor, Louie Robertson, Beth Morgan and Sue Jordan.
Winner of the A&D Challenge Trophy - Mitforton Quarrel of Cadenzahill - Carly Madgwick
2nd: Caitlin Primrose - Rob Smallman
3rd: Kenquince Time for Twister - Wendy Brown
4th: Henergy Moonstruck - Robert Small
CoM & The Pam Cannings Award for The Best Golden Retriever: Gospelash Hot Eddie Of Philchris - Sarah Winter

Sunday 11th July 2021
Held at The Drovers Shoot, Levins View, Singleton.
By kind permission from The Hon Peter Benson and head keeper Matt Whindle
Winner of The Bitteroot Trophy: Shivek Melchior of Stillcuran - Joseph Hooper
2nd: Ffynongain Frank - Sandra Herd-Smith
3rd: Crickmay Flicka- Daphne Brown
4th: Cleulow Horatio of Stillcuran - Joseph Hooper
CoMs to: Kenxtwen Drizzle - Mrs Charlotte Ballard; Trofoliata Barleycorn from Casblaidd and
Pixiefen Meadow at Casblaidd - Jo Hewison

Sunday 11th July 2021
Held at The Drovers Shoot, Levins View, Singleton.
By kind permission from The Hon Peter Benson and head keeper Matt Whindle
Winner of The Valmorah Trophy: Palmarrion Future - Sue Gilbert
Second: Buccleuch Quaver of Valmorah - Miss F Winters

Sunday 20th June 2021
at Upper Birtley, by kind permission of Sir Graham and Lady Hillary Wilkinson .
Judges: Robert Worrall, John Barnes, Liz Barnes, Di Stevens & Kate Bollen.
Winner: Gillian Yates- Lubbecke Simone
2nd: Vince Mahon - Tanglefield Olivia
3rd: Olu Jenzen - Autumnwillow Halle

Sunday 20th June 2021
at Upper Birtley, by kind permission of Sir Graham and Lady Hillary Wilkinson .
Judges : Robert Worrall, John Barnes, Liz Barnes, Di Stevens & Kate Bollen.
Winner: Elizabeth Bridger - Troddenmills Filthy Blonde
2nd: Louise Harber - Jumbi Parker
3rd: Angela Bridgman - Kekaroc Hathor
Certificates of Merit to: Tammy White - Highholts Dance in the Dark; Juan Mason - Foxnorton Delaware; Leslie Williams - Isflavcott Covey

Sunday 20th June 2021
at Upper Birtley, by kind permission of Sir Graham and Lady Hillary Wilkinson .
Judges : Robert Worrall, John Barnes, Liz Barnes, Di Stevens & Kate Bollen.
Winner: James May - Crowsmoor Tesh
2nd; Elena Nunneley- Swiftlands Briar
3rd: Vince Mahon -Lavanthill Belle Alsaro
4th: Sarah Lowman- Culpepper Lucetta
& Olu Jenzen - Brisingamen Pyethornewood

Sunday 9th May 2021
at Arundel, West Sussex
Judges: David Breach, Jane Carnaghan, Mike Crutchley, Colin Pelham & Robert Worrall.
1st Place and Winner of The Elsie Shrubb Memorial Trophy: Jan McIlwraith - Tulleysedge Elsa’s Gold
2nd: Sue Hutton - Think Twice Errata Corrige; 3rd: Mary Hogg - Breamsdown Kestrel; 4th: Olu Jenzen - Brisingmen Pyethorne Wood; Certificates of Merit: Andrew Steggles - Troddenmills Fancy Free; Chris Gore - Bayswater Bullseye; Ian Hamilton - Willowyck Brigadier of Longcopse and John Boyle - Drakeshead Clint
Thanks to Hilly Hoar for the photograph.

Sunday 9th May 2021
at Arundel, West Sussex
Judges: David Breach, Jane Carnaghan, Mike Crutchley, Colin Pelham & Robert Worrall.
1st Place and Winner of the Langshott Cup: Rookhollow Dahlia -Beth Morgan (Rayner) and after a run-off for the places,
2nd: Lottie Randall - Osiacastle Peacock Star; 3rd: John Scott - Abbotsann Firefly; 4th: Peter Martin - Kenxtwen Honor
Thanks to Hilly Hoar for the photograph.


Saturday 3rd August 2019
at Cowfold, West Sussex
Judges: Jamie Bettinson, Helen Burnie, Kim Jinks and Sarah Miles
Winner Arun & Downland Challenge Cup: Laverton Meadow Cowslip - Sarah Louwman
2nd: (after a run-off) Ticefield Dazed n' Confused - Reuben Corbett
3rd: Lubbecke Simone - Gillian Yates
4th: Abney Affinity - Beth Rayner
CoM: Mitforton Neon - Mike Crutchley
The Pam Cannings Award for the Best Golden Retriever:
Tullysedge My Belle Nell - Sue Jordan

Saturday 22nd June 2019
at Fair Oak, Rogate
Judges: Ken Green, Jean Baveystock, Jon Debnam, Tracy Flood,
Sue Jordan and Judy Venables.
Novice Dog Novice Handler Winner: Texacali Catfish - Nicky Cambrook
2nd: Woodall Cherry Ripe - Caroline Maybrey
3rd: Burrcopse India - Bradley Stray
4th: Troddenmills Fancy Free - Andrew Steggles
CoMs: Fendoville Ava Sundae - Vanessa North; Lowforge Lucille of Jathmea - Denise Baker

Saturday 22nd June 2019
At Fair Oak, Rogate
Judges: Ken Green, Jean Baveystock, Jon Debnam, Tracy Flood, Sue Jordan & Judy Venables
Winner: Kenquince Time For Twister - Wendy Brown
2nd: Tanglefield Olivia - Vince Mahon
3rd: Berryshot Bert - Sue Cole
CoMs: Drakeshead Chad - Brian West and Kirby Star - Louise Cunningham

Saturday 22nd June 2019
Winner: (after a run-off for 1st & 2nd places) Kirbyhall Meadow Pipit - Hilly Hoar
2nd: Tayfordwoods Gingema with Troddenmills - Jacky Simpson
3rd: Gold Silver Ann of Higgscroft - Mick Higgs
4th: Henergy Soldier - Robert Small

Saturday 23rd March 2019
at the Norfolk Estate, Arundel by kind invitation of His Grace the Duke of Norfolk
Judges: James Bailey, Lindy Higham, Chris Simmons, Di Stephens & Charlotte Wilkinson
Winner of the Elsie Shrubb Memorial Trophy - Keatingswood Fern -Christine Baldwin
2nd: Mitforton Osier - Kim van den Bogaerde
3rd: Lavanthill Quince - Maggie Baker
4th: Kenleyvalley Cash -Matthew Bennison

Saturday 23rd March 2019
at the Norfolk Estate, Arundel by kind invitation of His Grace the Duke of Norfolk
Judges: James Bailey, Lindy Higham, Chris Simmons, Di Stephens & Charlotte Wilkinson
Winner of The Parsons Cup - Gospelash Hot Eddie of Pilchris - Sarah Winter
2nd: Zeus Mars of Cacklebury - Bill Gardiner
3rd: Bellaroyal Touch of Class - Isobel Whitford